Tuesday 2 March 2010

Look After Saturn & Saturn Will Look After You

Astroair Astrology Proudly Presents The 2010 International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon Saturn Collection

Transiting Saturn’s oppositions to Uranus were accompanied by sudden change, shocks and upsets to the status quo, resulting in economic crisis. As the ripples reached our personal lives, our ability to remain flexible yet strong in the face of disruptive change has been tested, none more so since Saturn moved into Libra and began to square Pluto in Capricorn, a transit signifying restriction and hard, hard work. Now, with the upcoming entry of Uranus into Aries, signaling the start of the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto cardinal t-square, many of us are worried and puzzled about what it means for ourselves and our loved ones.

How This Article Collection Can Help

When facing and working with the energies of the three planets in the t-square, Saturn is the most easily accessible energy, providing a sound anchor for working with Uranus and Pluto issues and unlocking the more optimistic promises of the t-square. This collection of articles, therefore, aims to help you to work positively with a whole variety of natal and transit Saturnian issues, during these t-square times and beyond.

Written by experienced astrologers, these essays invite you to view Saturn not as a planet to be feared, but as a necessary, helpful teacher whose lessons can help you through life’s challenges. They also offer some useful, practical resources, some down to earth advice and some inspirational coping and healing tools.

How To Use This Collection:

When you click on the links below you will go to the authors’ own blog or website, so you can read their article and explore what else they have to offer. Before you start clicking, bookmark this page so you can find your way back here. Scroll to the end for the link to the Pluto and Uranus collections and all the other special Blog-A-Thon events.

Saturn The Wise Teacher

Saturn Without Suffering Obstacles, fear, failing, falling and suffering...Jessica Murray of MotherSky takes on all the big themes of Saturn and discusses how, by accepting Saturn’s teachings and consciously changing our attitude towards them, we can truly grow from the experience.

Saturn is the Gateway Amanda Owen explores Saturn’s role as the gateway to the outer planets and explains how in taking responsibility for our lives (Saturn), we set ourselves on the path towards the highest gifts that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto can offer…uniqueness, divinity and power.

Growing Up and Growing Old

Coping with the Quarter Life Crisis Our early twenties should be exciting times as we embark upon adult life, but for many this can be a confusing and stressful time, with many challenges to navigate. Verena Donath discusses the astrology of the so-called Quarter Life Crisis and what it means for the current generation.

King Saturn and the Archetype of the Father Stefanie Iris Weiss and Sherene Schostak, the Saturn Sisters, discuss father issues, finding Saturn’s heart in the daddy archetype and how learning to say and mean ‘no’ is essential for setting healthy boundaries and becoming the author of our own lives.

Astrology Can Improve Parent-Child Relationships Being a parent is probably the hardest job anyone will ever have. Using client examples of parents with strong Saturn-Moon-Pluto configurations, astrologer and counselor Gretchen Lawlor demonstrates how astrology can help parents strike the right balance between nurture (Moon) and structure (Saturn). For more articles by Gretchen, go to www.gretchenlawlor.com

Getting a Handle on your Second Saturn Return If you’re currently having, or coming up to, your second Saturn return, you’ve also got the Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn dynamic complicating the picture. Victoria Bazeley, whose specialty is helping clients deal with their midlife transits, explains all and provides some very useful suggestions for making the best of this important time of life.

The Astrology of Love in Midlife Just because we get older, it doesn’t mean that we lose our need for love, passion and partnership. With Saturn in Libra putting the spotlight on relationships, Lara Owen discusses the importance of the transits and progressions of midlife to relationships, including the Saturn opposition in our early forties and the second Saturn return in our late fifties.

Practical Saturn

Saturn Transits – What Do They Mean For Your Career? If Saturn is moving through one of your career houses, is this bad news for your job prospects? Not necessarily, explains astrologer and therapist Donna Cunningham. Working with the issues Saturn brings, could be just what you need to get you right on track!

RESOURCE: For some helpful tips and resources on how your birth chart can help with your vocation questions, see Giz a Job! Using Astrology to Make Career Choices

Surviving Financially Difficult Times with Saturn Astrologer Jan Tud of astrogrrl.com explains why for many of us, the next couple of years will be crucial for taking control of our finances and developing a healthier relationship with money. She also offers some useful tools and resources to get us started.

Tightening your Belt with Saturn Transiting Saturn in your 2nd or 8th house? Fearful for your finances? These transits don’t have to be disastrous, especially if you take a realistic and practical approach. Mandi Lockley makes a few suggestions to help you get prepared.

Astrology of Time Management: Bringing Balance into Productivity The demands on our time are ever-increasing in modern life, and now with transiting Saturn being aspected by Pluto in Capricorn and eventually by Uranus, effective time management could be considered a survival skill. Hiroki Niizato presents an astrological perspective on time management as part of his 7-part series on facets of Saturn.

Coping and Healing Tools

Taking Up the Long Conversation with Astrology with Saturn in Libra squaring Pluto bringing up difficult questions for so many people, Jessica Shepherd asks how can astrology help, exploring the value of the creative dialogue between astrologer and client in this beautiful and moving article.

Saturn Survival Tips (He is your Ally, not your Enemy!) The Saturn Sisters, as the name suggests, are experts on Saturn. “Don't have too many rules or too few rules” and “Remember that limits create freedom” are just a couple of their snippets of sound advice for getting the planet of blocks and limitations firmly on your side.

Saturn and the Healing Power of Crystal Quartz Shakti Carola Navran, author of Jewelry and Gems for Self Discovery shows how Quartz Crystals and the Hermiker Diamond, which symbolise clarity, insight and balance, can be especially beneficial tools for coping with the current astrological climate.

Tapping For Saturn: Astrology And EFT Astrologer and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner Kathy Loveless demonstrates how this simple, versatile but powerful healing tool can help you release and overcome the negative emotions and karmic patterns associated with Saturn transits and natal Saturn aspects.

Saturn Transit Libra: A Lesson in Boundaries Astrologer and energy healer Kachina Houska offers this simple visualization and energy technique to help promote boundary development within relationships, a positive and valuable way to connect with the energies of Saturn in Libra. See also Kachina’s Tips For Maintaining Physical Well-Being during these stressful Saturn-Pluto times.

For more helpful coping and healing tools for many of the issues our transits bring - including Saturn transits - check out the wonderful collection of articles on astrology and essences at Vibration Magazine Blog

Saturnalia (Mostly for Fun)

The Astrology of Aging Gemini’s in denial, Virgo’s feeling smug for once and Pisces has lost the plot altogether! Astrologer and cartoonist S.A. Hopkins, takes an irreverent look at the bodily effects of old father time. You can also see more of his cartoons at www.astrologic.us

How Strong is Your Saturn? Are you Saturnian? Find out with this quick and simple quiz from Donna at Sky Writer, then do the quizzes for Uranus and Pluto and compare your scores…You can also enter The T-Square Championship – with a great prize for the highest combined Saturn, Uranus and Pluto score. Discuss and compare your scores at the Astrocreeps Forum

The Sounds of Saturn We’ve all used music as a cathartic self-help tool at some time or other, even if we didn’t realize that was what we were doing. In that spirit, here’s a selection of rocking classics and melancholic dirges – perfect accompaniments to a Saturn transit.

RESOURCE: For further info, dates and data for the T-Square see: The Cardinal T-Square – What’s It All About?

RESOURCE: Don’t forget to check out Donna Cunningham’s Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit on her Skywriter blog

I really do hope you found this collection of articles helpful, enjoyable and insightful. If you would like to comment on individual articles you can do so on the author's own blog in most cases or you can discuss what you've read on the Astrocreeps Forum.

This collection is part of the 2010 International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon, a permanent collection of articles launched 19-21 March. The theme of the blog-a-thon is the upcoming cardinal t-square. Click on the link below to go to the main event blog where you can follow the links to the Pluto and Uranus article collections, as well as all the other special events including: Sasstrology's Saturn in Libra relationship special; Vibrational Magazine's special on combining astrology and essences; Sound bytes from time past at the Astrologers' Memorial and Jude Cowell's stunning Cosmic Art Show.

For links to all IAD Blog-A-Thon Collections and Events Go To:

Please do bookmark this page before you go so you can come back and read more articles in this collection!

Photo Credits:
Saturn photography courtesy of NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Neon Saturn courtesy of NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Saturn spies the Moon by Jude Cowell

It was a real pleasure and honour to coordinate this fantastic collection. A huge thank you to all the wonderfully talented authors who contributed and a big thanks also to Donna Cunningham for conceiving and driving this important event and giving me the opportunity to get involved.

The International Astrology Day Blogathon articles collections are for educational purposes only. Inclusion in the Blogathon Collections does not mean to imply recommendation or certification of any of the authors or their companies. We ask website visitors to make their own judgments about the quality of services or products described. Articles are not meant to be advice, and the information is not meant to replace medical or psychological treatment. Opinions expressed by authors and readers do not necessarily reflect those of the Blogathon coordinators.

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